” We have to educate the market about server-based gaming”

What is Betstone showing in the event?

The primary thing we are showing is a server-based gaming system, a platform and a set of games that can be delivered to any destination anywhere in the world in terms of the people’s understanding but not in terms of investigation. In fact, we have been running the system for four years in the UK where we have over a thousand terminals running the games and running the platform itself, so what we are showing here is the system in its true form as it would be in a casino or a spot hall or a gaming venue.

You are in every show in Latin America. Why is it so important this market for Betstone?

Because of multiple factors. The first is that we have to educate the market about server- based gaming, so it’s very important that when people understand server-based gaming they see Betstone as being great with it. Secondly, Latin America is very important because we see it as a growing gaming market, with various degrees of regulation or certification that allow server-based gaming. We also find that doing business in Latin America is very close to the style and the philosophy of our business so we naturally work towards this arena. We also have brands and allies in this arena.

What do you think about SAGSE show? What is your balance?

I was saying to my collegues that I think this is the third biggest show in the world, with G2E being top spot and then ICE being second, and this is definitively the third biggest in the world, which basically makes us stay very high and I think it is exceptionally well run. I believe that the forums that Yogonet formed are professional in style, in presentation and particulary in the people that participate, so for us it is a networking opportunity. So we are here to stay, we raise the flag, our flag, at the show in particular, and for us, in the whole cycle of shows in the year, this is the last big show before G2E.