SAGSE organized in Buenos Aires a preview of its 2007 edition

They commented about the technical limitations that may arise due to the reduction of the energy consumption in the building and presented officially their new publication, SAGSE World.

At 19,15, the hall, located in the first floor of Hotel Etoile, started welcoming more than 80 businessmen and executives of the local gambling sector, which were gathered by Monografie for the performance of the preview of SAGSE Buenos Aires.

Headed by Giorgio Gennari Litta, the organizers welcomed the public, and among the companies that assisted to the event, there were: Susana Calcaño (Unidesa), Alejandra Burato (Cirsa), Luis Paz (Foster), Gabriela Elena (Suzo), Daniel Cuacci (Dayco), Debora Adinolfi (EloTouch), Eduardo Roberts (Ed Roberts), José and Martín Camuglia (Formanova), Miguel Coppola (Electro Chance), Rubens Galante (BS Group), Mariano Molina Zavalía (Trilenium), Fernando Vazquez (Dirhel), José María Cervera (BD&S), Débora Sieler (Money Controls), Jorge, Esteban y Darío Leiman (Gaming Signs), Antonio Rao Ferrari (Tango Game Group), Fabian Grouss (Argelink), Richard Saavedra (Goody Group), Carlos Conci (CTC), Eduardo Helman (Selton), Sergio Gasaro (Sielcon), Eduardo Delaney (ID Interactive), Pedro Wei (Uniseis), Carlos Freidenberg (Security Group), Jorge Garzón y Sandra Giles (BCM), Maximiliano Majó (El Espartano), Mónica Spodek (Estudio Mónica Spodek) and Cristian Galarza (ASAP).

About 20,30, Gennari Litta talked to the audience. He thanked assistants for assisting to the event and commented about the technical restrictions that could arise due to the cutback of energy consumption imposed to exhibition centres by the national government, as well as make the official presentation of SAGSE World, a publication that will be released to the market for G2E Las Vegas event, in which it will offer all the media and photo coverage of the 2007 SAGSE edition.

Then, when Luis Paz, from Foster, mentioned the rumor that pointed the possible sale of SAGSE Buenos Aires to other investors, the organizer answered the following: “It is not true. It is an ill-intentioned rumor that was released to the market. I recently told a friend, as a joke, that, even if that was true, it was also possible that SAGSE bought London event. But returning to the rumor, SAGSE event was not sold; conversations with several people interested have existed, but it was not sold, despite the fact that it is a possibility, because every company has a price”.

Then, Alan Burak, Show Manager of he event, commented that all the spaces available for the show have already been sold, and remarked the need to make reservations before the show, due to the fact that an International Dermatology Congress is obtaining a great part of the hotel availability in the city at that dates, so it would be important that executives which plan to travel to Buenos Aires could assure a place for the first week of October. Less than an hour later and after the cocktail, the public started leaving the hotel.