Aristocrat scores three Top 20 wins in Casino Journal’s review

“We are thrilled and honored with these acknowledgements,” said Aristocrat President Tim Parrott. “The Casino Journal Top 20 has long been considered one of the industry’s most prestigious honors, and Aristocrat has long been known as a technological innovator, so it’s appropriate to find three of our products in a very short list.”

Downloadable Technology will give casino operators the ability to change game content and game configurations, while utilizing a user-friendly interface ensuring ease of use and flexibility on their casino floor. Aristocrat’s DL Technology enables customers to maximize yield by providing a faster and more efficient method of delivery of game contents capitalizing on the company’s proprietary MKVI game content.

Oasis FloorLogix, part of Aristocrat’s multiple award-winning Oasis Casino Management System, is a comprehensive solution to managing the networked gaming environment. It provides the ability to simultaneously support serial and Ethernet communication to gaming machines; thereby allowing operators to leverage existing infrastructure while providing options for expansion and upgrades.

Aristocrat’s new Oasis SpeedMedia Director allows casino operators to create and manage promotional content which will be displayed on the Sentinel III device. By delivering high-powered graphics, animation, video and sound directly to the game console, operators can distribute customized, targeted messages to key points on the casino floor while adding entertainment to the player’s gaming experience.