Following its world debut at G2E in November 2006, the PokerPro Heads-Up system was certified by Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) and has subsequently gained RHOS as well as CE compliance.
Tim Klok, European Manager for Multi Station Gaming of Aristocrat Technologies Europe, the exclusive distributor for PokerPro across the EMEA region, stated: “We know that there is extremely strong player demand for electronic heads-up poker. The fact that it uses just 20 per cent of the floor space of a traditional table and that it deals more hands per hour than any other table, enables operators to satisfy that demand profitably.”
He added: “The PokerPro Heads-Up system is fully compliant for on-line monitoring of real-time events, accounting, reporting, security and cashless gaming – making it a genuine turnkey solution for the poker industry.”
“We are delighted at the opportunity to continue to provide casino operators and players across Europe, CIS states, the Middle East and North Africa with the newest poker innovations,” Klok concluded.